To order your purchase :-

  1. Click “Add to cart” button on the products you wish to purchase.
  2. Click “Continue Shopping” to continue add other products into the cart or click “Checkout” to proceed your payment for the products.
  3. You’ll reach a “Log In” page where you need to log in your account using your Username and Password. If you don’t have an account created yet, you need to register an account before you proceed your payment. Also please double check your details before registering your account.
  4. You’ll need to confirm your shipping address on the “Shipping Address” page and click “next” button.
  5. From here, you need to select your shipping methods and click “next” button.
  6. Next you’ll need to choose your payment method and then click “next” button.
  7. After the steps, you need to reconfirm your billing details and agree on the terms and condition.
  8. Click “Confirm Order” to complete the order.

Below are the provided payment methods:-

  • Credit Card/Debit Card – Via Paydibs (Visa or Mastercard / Internet Banking)
  • Invoice / Cheque / Offline Bank Transfer

    Bank : <<Bank Name>>
    Bank Account : <<Bank Account Number>>
    Account Name : <<Your Account Name>>

    After you made the payment, please send us the payment details
    Bank Name :
    Banking Date :
    Banking Time :
    Banking Reference No :
    Total ammount you have paid :
    Your Order No :

Yes, only if the order is still on pending status.

  1. Please send an email to our customers service email at enquiry@oesasiasolutions.com with the message title “Request to cancel order” in order to inform us about the cancellation order.
  2. Orders that are in shipping or shipped will not be cancel.

All products transaction currency will be done in MYR.

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